The immigration of people from Islamic countries to the U.S. is one of the fastest growing groups of immigrants, according to a KEYE TV report on June 18.
This group has grown in the U.S. from 1.7 million in 2000 to 2.7 million in 2013, according to the U.S. Census fact-finder data base.
Free Muslims Coalition president Kamal Nawash said immigrants who come from countries such as Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Iran, Iraq, Nigeria, or Pakistan – countries which may experience relative instability – “generally leave that particular country because they don’t want to be around that instability.”
The attorneys at the Law Office of William Jang, PLLC, in Austin help those attempting to emigrate to the U.S. through the often tedious legal process of applying for visas, residency, or citizenship. If you or your family is hoping to live in the United States, our legal team may help you throughout the process. Call our offices at (512) 323-2333 today to begin taking a step toward your future in this country.